Battletech Solaris VII Tournament Record Sheets 3035
The year is 3035 and you sit alone on your command couch. The only light, a flickering glow that illuminates from your battlemech’s dashboard, provides you with a detailed readout of the various systems that allow you and your mechanized armored metal coffin to co-exist. You flex the fitting of your gloves a final time, then flick various toggle switches turning off the safeties to your weapon systems. With all systems nominal, your heart starts to beat faster with anticipation as you hear the announcer's voice piped in through the speakers climb over the slow rumble of your fusion engine. As the announcer's voice ebbs and flows, the crowd bellows, cheer, and chant your name in what feels like a symbiosis relationship with your heartbeat. You can feel the excitement and the rush of adrenaline as an old classic metal track announces your mech to the arena floor...
Welcome to Solaris 7, home of the Grand Battletech Tournament. We are introducing a new concept to this tournament format record sheet called the Wow Meter. Think of this meter as the crowd watching the arena match, by scoring a successful critical hit or a head shot, completely destroying a limb or a mech entirely and you earn their applause in the form of wow points that will contribute to both your mechwarriors experience and your stables overall points. While Wow Points are stackable, this meter gets wiped at the beginning of each match.
This is a collection of 232 record sheets representing thousands of tons of metal. Enjoy!
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